Step 6 of the 12 steps is regarded as a stage of release. An important key phrase in the 6th step is “Have your higher power remove defects of character”. Once you have taken moral inventory in step 4 and admitted to wrongdoings in step 5 then you'll be able to release these negative behaviors in step 6. You are able to do this by replacing old coping behaviors with healthier ones.
Learning new ways can be one of the most challenging steps, but is without a doubt one of the most powerful. It is common for those seeking recovery to visit this step multiple times, so do not get discouraged if you find yourself visiting the step again. An important skill of the six steps is to choose improvement over perfection. Again, we are all human and are all just looking for improvement. at North Palm Beach Recovery Center progress is always valued by an affected person regardless of relapse. Learning comes from mistakes so recovery will not always be a straight path.