Step 5 of the 12 steps is focused on the act of confession. Once an addict takes moral inventory they're able to admit their wrongdoings in step 5. This step of the 12 steps addresses wrongdoings, both internally and externally. The goal of step 5 is to get rid of destructive coping by relieving yourself of guilt and realizing you are only human. You can not change the past, but you are able to accept wrong-doings and move forward. When someone is overwhelmed with shame it creates a cycle of relapse that is challenging to break.
At North Palm Beach Recovery Center we encourage those to confess to their higher power, themselves, and when ready, another human being. One may find themselves talking through prayer, chatting with their higher power, or speaking to the universe. Step 5 also encourages you to share this with another human being (many find this to be the hardest part). It doesn’t have to be too hard. This person can be in a support group, a sponsor, someone that you trust. These confessions may happen at different times or simultaneously, but the important part is that they are done.