Ben Affleck
Affleck went to rehab after Jennifer Garner announced they were getting a divorce. Afflek now looks to be moving forward from the relationship and his addiction in an healthy way.
Robert Downey Jr.
Iron Man star Robert Downey, Jr. is the highest paid actor in Hollywood, but things haven't always been easy for him. It wasn't too long ago that he was addicted to alcohol, cocaine, and heroin.
Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis turned to drugs in order to find some sense of normalcy and control. She was addicted to pain medications, but has not been in active addiction in years. She is a mother herself, has continued acting, and has even published children's books.
Kirsten Dunst
The actress had struggled with alcohol and substance abuse, and had even been caught shortly before with drugs in her possession. Luckily, Dunst has managed to turn her health around and has recently appeared in a number of movies. For more on Kristen Dunsts, check out this article
Johnny Depp
During the 1990s, the actor was perhaps more famous for his partying. He and former girlfriend Kate Moss would spend days at a time immersed in the party scenes of L.A. and NYC, usually high on cocaine. After recieving help Depp's career and comeback have been quite impressive!
Drew Barrymore
As a young teen Drew Barrymore entered rehab. After becoming sober she has had a happy-go-lucky powerhouse in Hollywood. Keep at it Drew, we are proud of you!
Edie Falco
One of Falco's best known roles is the titular role in the hit television show "Nurse Jackie," in which a nurse is addicted to painkillers. Ironically, Falco has also struggled with addiction and used her own experiences in the recovery world to inspire her award-winning performance.
Megan Fox
Somewhere between Transformers and motherhood, Fox began dabbling in ecstasy, heroin, and cocaine. Today she says knows a number of people who continue to take drugs, she is not one of them.
Marshall Mathers almost died from an accidental overdose in 2007. He later entered rehab, and he celebrated 12 years of sobriety in April.
Rob Lowe
Rob Lowe received the Spirit of Sobriety award in 2015 to celebrate 25 clean years. Coming up on 30 years clean we'd like to congratulate Rob Lowe!
Keith Urban
"I stepped up my drinking. I started doing more drugs," he said. "Yeah, man. The whole back end of the '90s were just awful." These are words from Keith who has since gotten himself clean and is celebrating over a decade sober. Way to go, Keith!
Gerard Butler
From one of the toughest guys in Hollywood - "Maybe a stronger person wouldn't have needed to go," he said. "When you hear the word rehab, you think, 'He's a mess, he's f---ed up.' But I'm glad I did it. I've made a s--tload of wrong decisions in my life. But I know I've made some right ones as well." Gerard has been sober since, over 20 years!
According to Fergie herself during an interview with Oprah, the Black Eyed Peas star used crystal meth every single day throughout the early 2000s until she went to rehab to achieve sobriety.
Russel Brand
Russel Brand has been sober for almost 20 years. He suffered from an addiction to heroin and alcoholism. "When I started, I took it one day at a time," he said. "Ultimately, I found that spirituality worked for me."
John Goodman
Goodman struggled with alcoholism for years and even drank while filming the original "Roseanne." At one point, star Roseanne Barr confronted him about it. Goodman decided to go to rehab and has been sober for nearly a decade. Way to go, Mr. Goodman!